A Friend for Life

Aditi Mathur
3 min readJun 24, 2020


I have a friend for life whom I have known for a pretty long time, have been sustaining around me through each phase, knows me in and out and yet loves me boundlessly. She is confused yet opinionated, bold yet soft hearted, accommodating yet demanding, enthusiased yet starkingly stable, childlike curious yet adult like logical, loving and yet insecure ,so unique yet so ordinarily simple. She keeps trying to sort her life the way she thinks is right but then wants to sail her boat in the winds of direction where all her loved ones are rowing (even if it is a wrong direction). I have seen her meet the life challenges like a fighter rather than giving up on the obstacles that challenged her each move.

She was born in a very simple middle class Indian family where the respect and value in the eyes of parents is decided by the social norms. She was a second girl child and her parents wished for a boy to claim of a small and a complete family. She grew up under the love and affection of her strong mother who always trusted and believed in her and gave the confidence to live her life the way she wanted to. She was drawn towards the importance the society gave to a boy and kind of groomed herself in the masculine traits. Very soon she realised that she is a God sent child from her maternal grandfather who believed that every individual has a unique purpose of being born and also gave the distant dream of a purpose to be fulfilled.

I am always amazed by the grit and strength of her emotion that she has lived her each moment by being completely aware and in control of her reactions to many situations around her, some unexpected and sometimes grueling too. I am very impressed by the way she takes her relations in stride and makes each one feel loved and cared for yet she is strong enough to be reminding herself often of living a life for a purpose. It is very rare to see her disliked by people and somehow she has the charm and flair to impact each life who passes by her.

I admire her sense of righteousness and her soft heart full of sentiments for the people and each living being. Very often I sit and talk out her ideas for love, trust, respect, hope and its always such a warm learning to listen to her simple yet unique way of viewing each moment develop into a memory and yet the dreams alive for vivid imaginations.

Whenever I feel low, weak or even confused she could embrace and cover me with her love and care and show me the path ahead and let my apprehensions and insecurities to be handled softly and humanely in her faint shadow. Not even a single day has passed in my life when she did not provide the solace to my solitude and loving hand to my longing.

There were times when I found her being weak and passive to the situations and people but her inertness was also an answer to many problems. She often made me feel that loving someone wholeheartedly is the true strength of a human and it will survive all tests of time. I learnt from her the power of sacrifices and pure affection as the basis of true happiness. I have seen her giving up on her desires and wishes for the sake of love and still persisting with that innate desire of learning and discovering the joys of living. She knows how to create, nurture, cherish and sustain the blessings around her and yet she can lend me her shoulder to cry out my pain and laugh out my mistakes so frivolously.

My best friend so fondly discovered is Me, Myself who has been a constant guide and a support, she know me so well, loves me unconditionally, guides me empathically, corrects me unapologetically and heals me lovingly and kindly. I spend my time with my own self everyday (few have named it ‘meditation’) and feel the joy of having a loyal friend by my side as a true saviour and a kind warrior.

